Conquering Cancer videos
Capturing every step towards cervical cancer elimination
These Conquering Cancer videos present the human face of cervical cancer elimination.
They amplify and celebrate the achievements of countries where cervical cancer elimination is imminent.
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It will also improve and encourage young girls and women to have access to cervical services, including cervical cancer screening, timely treatment, and patient support among rural girls and women.
— Maud Mwakasungula, Executive Director, WOCACA
Our ability to bring the documentary to our country has raised the profile of Humanity at Heart as a serious player in the field, and we now actively collaborate with the National Cancer Control Committee.
— Tata Mayaah Eveline, Executive Director, Humanity at Heart International
The events were an immense success. The organisers and participants enjoyed every step of the event’s process and outcome. With the experience and lessons learned, ACO intends to showcase the documentary in other jurisdictions and use it as an advocacy driver for cervical cancer control policy change.
— African Cancer Organization
Sue’s journey is also a cry for how far we have to go, to win the fight against this preventable disease at an international level.
— ReviewsbyJudith
Everyone felt they learned more about cervical cancer, the global impact for women and the interventions for prevention.
— Gail Petersen Hock, NCCC Arizona Chapter
The events were an immense success. The organisers and participants enjoyed every step of the event’s process and outcome. With the experience and lessons learned, ACO intends to showcase the documentary in other jurisdictions and use it as an advocacy driver for cervical cancer control policy change.
— University of Cape Town
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